Tyler's Halloween Matryoshka Dolls represent the internal complexities of container file formats. The dolls here have formats attached to them representing different ways they might be nested, with ZIP and OLE2 being the primary containers that can be handled in DROID and Siegfried at present.

A year in file formats 2024

A great write up from Francesca at TNA about the past year for PRONOM via Georgia at the OPF.

It’s great to see the continuing work including vital translation of guides into other languages. Francesca includes a couple of shout outs to some pieces I have contributed in my spare time this year; including a collaborative workshop with Francesca, David, and Tyler at iPRES2024.

Many thanks to @britpunk80@digipres.club, @Thorsted@digipres.club, and @fmackenzie42@digipres.club for their collegiality in the PRONOM check-ins, and David especially for bringing us together for iPRES.

Read more via the OPF blog here.

I collected a lot of the different resources for the workshop in a Linktree, also available at the QR code below:

A QR code that can be followed to links from the What's in the Box workshop at iPRES2024

PRONOM check-ins are always fun and relaxed and it has been great to see them grow in participation over the last few years I have been participating.

You can subscribe to updates from the PRONOM Research GitHub repository to see different work happening.

PRONOM check-ins happen bi-weekly on Thursdays and have their own calendar entry you can add to calendars supporting the ICS format here.


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